TMJ Treatment in South Weymouth, MA

Have you been suffering from migraines, frequent headaches, and aching pain in the face or jaw? These are all symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, also known as TMJ or TMD. This condition can make it difficult and uncomfortable to complete daily activities like chewing and talking.

At South Shore Dentistry, our dentists offer a variety of treatment options for patients who suffer from TMJ. Dr. Burt can provide complete evaluation of your jaw and mouth to determine the best treatment options for your unique needs. It's time to stop suffering from headaches and jaw pain, with top TMJ treatment in South Weymouth! 

What Is TMJ?

TMJ is a common abbreviation for temporomandibular joint, which is the joint connecting your lower jawbone to the base of your skull. There are a series of complex muscles, joint pads and tendons that help move and protect this joint while it is in motion.

Because this joint is one of the most frequently used joints in the human body, it can cause extreme pain and discomfort when it becomes inflamed. The pain, discomfort and jaw dysfunction associated with the temporomandibular joint are often referred to TMJ or TMJ disorder. 

A few of the most common symptoms of TMJ disorder include:

  • Headaches 
  • Grinding teeth or clenching your jaw (bruxism)
  • Injury to the neck or jaw from a trauma such as an auto accident.
  • Improper bite alignment
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep apnea
  • Dislocation or erosion of the joint

How Can TMJ Treatment Help?

There are several ways TMJ treatment can help manage this disorder. At South Shore Dentistry, Dr. Burt frequently uses cosmetic injection therapy to treat TMJ.

Anti-aging cosmetic injections are usually associated with cosmetic facial rejuvenation practices, such as reducing crows feet and other facial wrinkles. However, this type of injection has recently become an increasingly popular and effective TMJ treatment.

While some TMJ symptoms may improve on their own, anti-aging cosmetic injections offer fast and long-lasting relief from those that do not.

Injections are a common treatment for TMJ. Anti-aging cosmetic injections can offer TMJ patients benefits like: 

  • Reduced pain in the head, shoulder, and neck
  • Minimized lockjaw symptoms
  • Reduced jaw discomfort when talking, chewing or yawning
  • Removal of headaches caused by bruxism
  • Reduction in jaw tension

One of the biggest advantages of many of our patients experience is that normal functions such as biting, swallowing and speaking are left unaffected by the TMJ treatment. The only change is a reduction in the pain and discomfort TMJ disorder can bring.

At South Shore Dentistry we also offer customized mouthguards to patients who suffer from the symptoms of TMJ disorder. Mouthguards can help reduce the pain that comes from overusing the jaw muscles. They can also give your teeth and jaw a break from clenching and grinding while you sleep.

Schedule Your TMJ Treatment Consultation With South Shore Dentistry Today!

If you’re suffering from the symptoms of TMJ, give us a call. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about TMJ treatment or any of our other dental services.

A consultation with one of our skilled dentists is the perfect way to answer all of your questions and determine if TMJ treatment could be the best solution for your smile and total-body wellness!

South Shore Dentistry offers oral surgery services in a supportive, state-of-the-art atmosphere right here in our new South Weymouth dental facility.

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